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Learn More About Our Three-Dimensional Approaches
to Accounting

About Gracious Accounting Services limited 

We are a team of experienced and dedicated accountants whose experience comes from years of working in the public and private sectors including non-for-profit organisations. We have decided to establish a business, which would address the concerns of small- and medium-sized businesses in the area of meeting accounts preparation deadlines from established accounting firms, which always delay, resulting in unnecessary penalties from the Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Companies House. We intend to achieve this strategy by establishing a one-on-one customer approach. In other words, our team of dedicated staff, would establish regular contact with our customers to ensure that their weekly or monthly transactions are updated in our systems. This would in turn, eliminate the old practice, which causes delays in meeting accounts submission deadlines of this sector of business, which invariably results in late filing of tax returns and the subsequent incurring of penalties.

In providing our accounting services, we adopt three methodologies. These are the General Practitioner (GP) Model (Client History), the Business Model (SWOT Analysis), and the Regulatory Model (Compliance Model).

We employ the professional GP methodology in assessing the relevant bookkeeping and accounting services we provide to our clients. This is because we approach the service of each client on a case-by-case basis, whether a client has an existing bookkeeping system, or existing bookkeeping but with incomplete records. From our GP model, we graduate to the application of the Business Model (SWOT Analysis) whereby we analyse the strengths and the weaknesses of the existing bookkeeping and accounting systems as well as the threats and opportunities that are available to the client, having diagnosed the current or potential accounting systems.


Having obtained the current accounting system and the future needs of the clients, we then apply the Regulatory Model (Compliance Model) whereby we match the accounting records and systems with relevant accounting standards, regulatory bodies, company house, HMRC, professional standards, local council requirements, and finally, the Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP) in the United Kingdom. Indeed, we ensure the bookkeeping and accounting systems in use are in full compliance with the relevant regulations while upholding the financial and social corporate health of our clients at all times.

These three-dimensional approaches (ABC) to accounting services: Analysis of a client’s needs, the Betterment of needs, and Compliance with regulations make Gracious Accounting Services limited unique, and we, therefore, create a niche in accounting services for small- and medium-sized companies in the United Kingdom.

Upon our completion, we shall recommend a workable, simple, and reliable bookkeeping and accounting system with minimal maintenance cost to our clients. Indeed, we are customer-focused, and our goal is ‘Customer Satisfaction First (CSF)’. We cannot be beaten by our competitors due to our in-depth professional services coupled with a distinctive fee-negotiating system that takes care of the peculiarities of our clients. As a matter of fact, we understand that there is no ‘one size shoe, fit for all’. Therefore, we do not charge fees, but we negotiate bookkeeping fees that are affordable, convenient, and admissible by our clients.

Whatever the level of computer literacy is, we are able to accommodate the client’s bookkeeping and accounting systems. We aim at a paperless booking system whereby the clients only enter relevant transaction details in a simple and customised spreadsheet in either Excel or Word. Then, these are emailed to us to be updated in their accounting systems, giving high priority to the regulatory compliance of data protection and confidentiality as required by the European General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR, May 25, 2018).

As part of our strategy, we want to ensure that our customers are able to maintain their daily transactions in a customised spreadsheet, which would be set up at their business premises by our dedicated staff. Through this approach, we intend to make most (if not all) of our customers computer literate as we guide them on how to use Excel, Word, and emails. Fortunately, this strategy does not neglect some of our customers who may not be interested in owning or operating a computer system. In such a case, we ensure a weekly pick-up of their transactions, which would then be processed in our office so that at any particular point in time, our customers’ accounts are up-to-date. As part of this made-easy process, those customers who maintain their own records would be expected to turn in their spreadsheets via email to our office on the first working day of the following week.

Our fees are affordable as earlier mentioned, having factored in amongst other variables and the current economic climate in the country. In this wise, we operate a system whereby customers can make their payments on an instalment basis while their jobs are being processed. 

We definitely believe that your patronage would convince you are of our priceless professional accounting services. 

Our Vision

The vision of this company is to be number one small accounting outfit that can provide just-in-time accounting services to small- and medium-sized entities in the United Kingdom with timeliness and compliance with bookkeeping and reporting systems. 

Because we are customer-focused, we work around the peculiarity of each customer in order to provide the best service they need for their day-to-day operations, leading to promptness in submitting their accounts and tax returns to relevant statutory bodies.

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